

Friday, January 27, 2012

67 Down ..... and Counting!

This Saturday will mark my 4 month anniversary of my WLS.  So far - so good.   A few bumps along the way. 

I'm still getting sick - more than I would like.  It seems that I can eat filet one day - but two days later it does not agree with me at all.  Not sure what that is about - but I'm staying the course and moving forward!

The one issue I am having is with excercise.  My back is still so bad from this accident that I am afraid I will never be able to go back to what used to be my "normal life".  Some days I feel good - but when I try to go about a "normal" routine - it sets me back light years.  It's very depressing and takes its toll.  I was hoping that the weight loss would help my back - but it's not.  I've got an appointment with my pain mgmt dr tomorrow - and my neurosurgeon the week after next.  I really hope that they can do something - but they seemed to have exhaused all possibilities as of 6 months ago.  Trying to keep the faith.  :/

I'm heading to FL a week from this Thursday with my girl Cynda!  I'm really looking forward to spending time with her - and really looking forward to seeing my Mom!  She's been gone nearly a month now - so I need my fix.  Poor Dad will be climbing the walls with three women around!

Enclosed find today's pic.  I will be posting some full body pictures soon!  Thanks for the support!

1 comment:

  1. Lynn, backs can be difficult to say the least but I'm sure as your weight continues to decrease it will help. My back was "Tragic" for about ten years and then got MUCH BETTER (slowly of course) after I lost fifty pounds.

    So hang in there, keep the faith and get ready for some C&O canal walks with me when the weather starts to break.

    PS> Have you ever tried or considered acupuncture?
